Tuesday, December 7, 2010

I was supposed to do this more often..

Full of apologies i have been a horrible blogger, its almost the end of the year so i guess its not too late to try and reform. i shall blame my absence on the scene on lack of internet where i was moved to, God knows i could have used some venting, not some loads of it.. :-) how have all of you been..

This uneventful life in my workplace almost has me clawing out my eyes, who thought a day would come and i would actually love to be busy, i hated it in the middle of the year when i was working 14hrs and here i am going on abt it when i might as well enjoy it. i could blog more often, tell you how uninterested i am in the ongooing presidential campaign geez it seems like we are back in primary 7 and 13 yrs olds are vying for votes atleast thats what it sounds like when these so called presidential candidates open their mouths to speak...yawn..its all boring really..

On a happier note, my neighbours cat (the one that gave me sleepless nights) dissapeared, atleast that is what am hoping for, i had had enough to be honest

My friend is getting married and Sunday is the bridal shower, hummmm looking forward to that definately can not wait. the wedding is two weeks away, we shall be one gal less in the pack..

i have missed doing this..

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

my ugandan pips-rili

i havent had a fun drive to work in a while (not that i look forward to the trip, to work that is) but yesterday i have neva wished for a ride by public means to take much longer. so my sis and i get onto the coaster and the guy is screaming 500ushs and we are like wow, this driver must be a happy man, long story short, he was planning on putting an extra person on every seat and he was being very abusive and rude, so us the poor passengers took in all his crap until one gentleman just had it and started a war of words, needless to say the entire bus joined. I wish i cud write everything here in luganda. Just know i have not laughed so much in a while, as everyone offered their pity for his wife.
Poor guy, i was just worried he may leave us in the middle of nowhere.. He didnt, but his demise made my day

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

new beginnings?

Strange my new beginnings are in Feb, but they are here anyway. Work is pretty slow, i guess ts because we are still in the new of the year, but work is boring its killing me, so i have taken up blogging to vent abt pretty much everything, my boss, my neighbours cat (that am considering getting rid of, if its heat season doesnt end soon) and the HEAT......
Am working on my new wardrobe for this heat season and well it constitutes as little material as possible...
i saw Mugisha Muntu's poster on my way to work today am not quite sure what i saw, is it a presidential campaign poster?
i will probably be back sometime during the day.. am looking forward to this..the blogging i mean